If you’re looking to keep your home clean and organized, a Wi-Fi connected Roomba is a great way to do it. Not only can the Roomba keep your floors clean, but it can also schedule cleaning jobs for you automatically. Here are some tips on how to schedule your Wi-Fi connected Roomba for daily cleaning jobs:

  1. Choose the right time of day for cleaning. The best time of day to clean is during the morning or evening when there’s less traffic and there’s less noise in the house. This will give your Roomba more time to work on your floor and get rid of all the dirt and debris.
  2. Set up your Wi-Fi connection and settings. Make sure that you have an internet connection and set up your Wi-Fi settings so that the Roomba can connect to it easily. You’ll want to set up a password so that no one can access your Roomba without knowing it. You can also choose a schedule so that the Roomba cleans different parts of your home at different times each day or week.
  3. Use an app or website to manage your Wi-Fi connected Roombas. There are many apps and websites that offer management features for Wi-Fi connectedRoombas, such as CleanMaster or Homejoy . These tools allow you to track where, when, and how often the Roombas are cleaning, as well as receive notifications when they’ve completed their tasks in order to make sure you’re getting what you need from them every day!

Roombas may make it easier to vacuum your home, but they can be loud and get in the way. Fortunately, you can schedule them to run when you’re out of the house or when you’re asleep. Here’s how to set up a schedule for your Wi-Fi Connected Roomba.

To set up a schedule on your Roomba, open up the iRobot HOME app on your phone and tap the schedule button in the middle of the app along the bottom.

On this screen, you’ll see a toggle for each day of the week. You can schedule the Roomba to run up to once per day. Tap the time next to each day to set the time you want your Roomba to run. If there are any days you don’t want the Roomba to run at all, tap the toggle next to that day to turn it off.


From now on, the Roomba will run at the scheduled time. However, if you leave your Roomba unplugged and uncharged for a long period of time, its schedule may slip out of sync and run at the wrong time, so be sure to always keep your Roomba charged when it’s not in use.